SportHorse Sales

I just got back from the Jimmy Woffard clinic July 12th & 13th at Caber Farms. I was in an awesome group of 3 Star and Advanced riders. We show jumped the first day and Jimmy really emphasized balance and rhythm. Keeping your heal soft and letting the fence back the horse up, so your hand can be soft too. It was also important to look at the rail and see where the horse is looking. Jimmy emphasized symmetry and making the horse soft and supple both directions. My favorite quote of the day was “The landing is the approach to the next fence”. I, more than anyone, need to remember this and work on finding the correct balance and rhythm for a smooth ride. My half halts need to come from an elastic elbow and I need to graduate from the “panic” half halt and make my riding smoother. Safari jumped well and I was pleased with him. We even got to jump some larger fences, with a couple set at 4’+.

The next day we did XC, unfortunately the rain showers showed up and didn’t let up all day. The footing held up well and we were able to jump some of the Int lines. I started the day off great and built on what we did the day before. I must remember to get my eye on the next fence early and hold the line. Our first jump into the water was a bit surprising. I haven’t ridden that water in 2 years and forgot how big the drop in is, being just over 5’.  The big drop and wet reins created a bad ride and I didn’t even try to get the skinny wedge on the out. We tried it again, this time I was ready for the drop and we nailed it! Overall the clinic was a great experience and I really enjoyed Jimmy’s knowledge and theories. It was great watching the other groups ride and I felt like I learned a lot. Thanks to Liza for hauling me and Safari and letting us stay in her amazing trailer!

Clyde heads up to Caber for the Pony Club One Day event this Saturday. I’m looking forward to it. Clyde has been going really well and I plan to have a fun show. The forecast looks grim, calling for showers all day. But being able to ride a fun horse like him, I’m looking forward to it, rain or not.

The countdown for Rebecca Farms gets closer and closer. My focus these last few days before we go will be on our last jump school, our last gallops, cleaning up our changes and canter half pass and healing my poor ankle. At least my nerves aren’t completely out of control…. Yet.

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